Work-Study FAQs
Spectator is committed to developing capable staff, and we want to provide all with the opportunity to dedicate time and energy to creating meaningful work. Learn more about Spectator's work-study program and whether you may qualify to receive financial aid from Spectator.
We know that juggling a work-study job, Spectator, and schoolwork can be challenging, and we want our staff to have the opportunity to succeed both in Spectator and in everything else they do. For staff eligible to receive financial aid, Spectator is here to help. Please read the below information to learn about Spectator’s work-study allocation and the timeline for applying and approval. If you have any further questions, please send them to
What is federal work-study?
Federal work-study is an allocation by the federal government of a maximum amount of money you can receive through an on- or off-campus job. When you receive your earnings, 75% of that money comes from the federal government, and the remaining 25% comes from Spectator.
What is casual employment or college work-study?
In some cases, the federal government does not provide students with a work-study allocation, but the college (either Columbia or Barnard) still thinks the student is deserving of work-study as part of their financial aid package. In this case, Spectator pays for 100% of the money that you earn.
How much of my work-study allotment can Spectator cover?
Spectator’s wage is $15/hour, in accordance with New York state’s rise.
In an effort to cover as many staffers as possible, Spectator is only able to support a limited amount of paid hours per student. We typically have a large volume of staffers apply for work-study each semester, and want to be able to provide as much as possible for each staffer within our budget constraints.
For Spring 2025, Spectator will tentatively provide up to 50% coverage of your university Federal Work-Study allotment for Spectator Trainees and Associates, such that you are paid for every hour you work, up to your Spectator allotment. We do this so we are able to cover as much of our staff as possible across all sections. To compensate for DB & MB’s increased involvement in Spectator, they will tentatively receive up to 70% and 100% coverage respectively for Federal Work-Study allotments.
For staffers with College Employment allotments, Spectator will provide up to 25% coverage for Associates and Trainees, up to 45% coverage for DBs, and up to 100% coverage for MBs.
As a reminder, you will continue to be paid under Spectator’s work-study program until you hit your Spectator coverage cap. If you hit your cap of paid hours midway through the semester, you will transition to an unpaid volunteer position for the remainder of your time during the semester. You will not receive additional funding once your work-study allocation has been maxed out for the semester.
If you wish to obtain an additional work-study job during the semester to compensate for the remaining amount that Spectator cannot cover, you are encouraged to apply to another job through your school’s work-study job system.
How do I get approved to be on Spectator’s work-study program?
After completing their trainee semester, staff members fill out an application form and their approval status is based on a variety of factors, including current position on staff, commitment to Spectator, expected number of hours worked, etc.
Staffers will receive notice from Spectator’s Publisher regarding whether or not they are approved to be on Spectator’s work-study program, as well as the allocation they are entitled to receive from Spectator during the semester.
Should I apply for another work-study position?
Although we aim to provide as much assistance as possible to our staff, Spectator is only able to support a limited amount of paid hours per staffer. As such, we recommend that applicants continue to seek out other work-study opportunities until after they are accepted into Spectator’s work-study program and receive a final confirmation of their allocation. Please visit the respective websites for Columbia and Barnard for more information about work-study and finding a job.