major REQUIREMENTS: up front and center
Keep track of majors you're still considering, see which courses you've taken, and add sections to your scheduler for the ones you still need to take. Straight from the dashboard.
"COURSES TO AVOID" and other tags
Looking for those "Easy A's" or "Legendary" courses? We've tagged these and more to make your class search easier.
Core exchange
Not feeling your section time or professor? Tired of people commenting on your Facebook post and not following through? Use Core Exchange for easy match-ups so you can switch your core sections effortlessly.
simplified reviews
Revamped charts. Easy, color-coded professor comparisons. Get an idea of which professors you want to take (and avoid) at a glance.
textbook resale
Everything textbooks, hassle free. List your own books to sell, and buy the ones you need—faster than scrolling through Facebook groups. We'll compare them to Amazon to confirm you're selling at or paying the right price. And if Amazon's the way to go, we've got individual links and pre-grouped lists for the books you'll need for each class.
supercharged search
Look up course nicknames like "arthum" and "frosci" for simpler navigation, and filter by date, time, and credits. Have a look at classes currently offered for registration, or search course history to gain more context.